Excesses and slow movings in stock?
Our destocking program offers the opportunity to lower the inventory recovering fresh cash, avoiding year end scrapping.
Inventory is a value
- Customer base service
- Financial book value
- Supply chain carbon footprint
Excesses and Slow Moving?
- Production Mix change
- Bulk Purchases unfitting current needs
- Machinery Technological Innovation: higher
performances → new component mix
Sell them? At the market price
ICDC job is not about scrapping nor sell-off at stock prices.
Our market mapping and crawlers estimate marketability and the current market price.
Easy to apply 8 steps model, from shelves to buyer’s visibility in 30 days only.
Our Ecommerce, our unique sales driver.
54 served countries: via stock sharing and multi-channel sales
Reach the geographical areas of interest, either guided by SEO or advertising campaigns.
How much does it cost to reach and serve B class customers?
And C class? ICDC can manage them for you.
The sale through ICDC is multi-channel, integrating your legacy network.
The same world class components, perform in a wide variety of application in several industries
Where there’s a Factory, there’s Automation
Reach industrial application in sectors far from your legacy sales network, but technologically contiguous (next door).
Our Sales by Commodities and Brands:
So you are interested now?
Then contact us!